
Supreme Commander

Retail release of Supreme Commander

Application Details:

Version: SC 1.x.3xxx
License: Retail
Votes: 61
Latest Rating: Gold
Latest Wine Version Tested: 8.7-staging

Maintainers: About Maintainership

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Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works

- Campaign, Skirmish, Loading a skirmish game

- Multiplayer LAN

What does not



What was not tested


Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

Alt-tabbing works kinda. The game can go nuts for about 30 seconds and then all is well again. In a very long game alt-tabbing a couple of times ruined the game. It started going nuts and eventually the graphics became more corrupt and the whole map turned dark. Wine spewed out lots of GL warnings and a bit later the game crashed. Verdict? Alt-tabbing is still a dangerous thing to do here so you should save before doing so! That alt-tab crash happened in a game that I was playing for over 2 hours straight!!! No problems except for the alt-tabbing. Just FYI: Turning up the graphics to their maximum works fine.

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
ShowLinux Mint 21.1May 09 20238.7-stagingN/A Yes YesGoldexposight 
CurrentDebian GNU/Linux 8.x "Jessie" x86_64May 21 20172.8Yes Yes NoGoldCentrino 
ShowDebian GNU/Linux 8.x "Jessie" x86_64Feb 25 20172.0N/A Yes NoGoldCentrino 
ShowUbuntu 14.04 "Trusty" amd64 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Jul 21 20161.9.14Yes Yes NoGoldCentrino 
ShowUbuntu 14.04 "Trusty" amd64 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Jul 18 20161.6.2Yes Yes NoGoldCentrino 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected
20456 Multiple applications have text rendering issues with 'Courier New' font using distro provided Liberation fonts (cut off/partial text display)(FEAR, AoE 3, Supreme Commander, fasmw 1.x) STAGED View
49970 Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance has no sound (needs XACT < 3.0 support) NEW View

Show all bugs

HowTo / Notes


Getting it to work:

  • Use Wine 1.0.1 or higher, the more recent the better
  • Install Supreme Commander
  • Patch SupCom to version 3220 or higher

The patcher won't display anything. It takes a quite a while, but it's definitely doing something!
This patch is essential, since it disables the (broken) DVD check

Starting with Patch 3251, the patcher might fail. To test it yourself, you will need Mono, gdiplus, dotnet20 and vcrun2005 (use winetricks). Good Luck.
If that doesn't work, try installing the patches in a virtual machine running Windoze or stick with 3220

  • In order to get sound:

Use a recent winetricks to install xact
You may also need to set your sample rate to 48000 in winecfg's Audio tab

  • You will need d3dx9_36.dll. If it's missing, get it from, extract and put it into windows/system32
  • Create the registry string HKCU/Software/Wine/Direct3D/OffscreenRenderingMode and set it to fbo
  • Make sure your Color Depth is set to 24 bits. Otherwise the game will not render fonts or 3D models correctly
  • cd into Supreme Commander/bin and launch the game with wine SupremeCommander.exe

If you're still running into problems, try starting the game with the /novalidate switch

Also, if SupCom complains about insufficient video memory or crashes very early into the game,
try creating the string HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\Direct3D\VideoMemorySize with a value >64, e.g. 128


  • Movie frames don't get skipped, so sound loses sync with the video. A faster CPU helps a little bit 
  • No network play (requires .net for GPGNET)
  • The game may crash when you try to change the resolution. Do it manually in windows/profiles/*user*/Local Settings/Application Data/Gas Powered Games/Supreme Commander/Game.prefs

- HAARP (main maintainer)

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Comments Disabled

Comments for this application have been disabled because there are no maintainers.