
Command & Conquer: Red Alert

All versions of the full game

Application Details:

Version: 1.0-3.03
License: Free to use
Votes: 1
Latest Rating: Platinum
Latest Wine Version Tested: 6.0-rc1-staging

Maintainers: About Maintainership

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Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works

Works out of the box.

This is the version available for download from CNC net

What does not


What was not tested

Online play

Hardware tested


  • GPU: Nvidia
  • Driver: proprietary

Additional Comments

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
CurrentUbuntu 20.10 "Groovy" (+ variants like Kubuntu)Jan 05 20216.0-rc1-stagingYes Yes NoPlatinumAlexander Schweickerdt 
ShowManjaro Linux 18.1.2Nov 16 20194.19Yes Yes NoSilverBob Niemöller 
ShowFedora 25 x86_64May 28 20172.8Yes Yes NoPlatinummatkoz 
ShowGentoo Linux x86_64Apr 08 20141.7.16Yes Yes NoPlatinumManuel 
ShowArch Linux x86_64Nov 12 20131.7.6N/A Yes NoPlatinumP. Neidhardt 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected
1798 Keyboard focus to terminal, not the program CLOSED FIXED View
4487 SMP: C&C and Red Alert stop redrawing at random times NEW View
4730 Application hang when using alsa - and stutters when using esd CLOSED FIXED View
6181 C&C Cutsceens and Menus Run Slow CLOSED WORKSFORME View
6914 C&C Red Alert pauses on shaking game view CLOSED FIXED View
6977 C&C and Red Alert - No picture at any point CLOSED FIXED View
15226 Cursor in C&C Gold and Red Alert disappears randomly CLOSED ABANDONED View
15377 1.1.5 breaks d3d game that worked in 1.1.4 CLOSED FIXED View
21887 Tomb raider 3 demo crashes when run CLOSED FIXED View
23422 C&C Red Alert Installer can't create shortcuts CLOSED ABANDONED View
24179 Cursor in Red Alert jumps on the right side of the screen and makes scrolling slow CLOSED ABANDONED View

Show open bugs

HowTo / Notes


We highly recomment the latest community supported version, which is packaged as PortableRA by Iran and available from It features a lot of bug fixes and support for modern hardware (multi-cores, widescreen, etc.) as well. The installation is straightforward and everything works out-of-the-box.

Should you get an error message "Error - Unable to allocate primary video buffer - aborting", you need to override the ddraw.dll library. Wine will warn you it is not a good idea; you'd be better off to restrict the override to ra95 only by adding a new application in winecfg, then selecting the 'ra95.exe' executable. Now you can safely add the override in the Libaries tab. If the DLL is not listed, enter the name manually.


If the vanilla setup complains about a wrong Windows version, start winecfg and set the global version to Windows 98, then change it back after the install.

Both vanilla setup and game do not run correctly on SMP PCs (more than one CPU core or HyperThreading enabled). HyperThreading can be disabled in the BIOS setup.

Another way to workaround this is to use a tool named schedtool to set the affinity of the wine process to one CPU only.

schedtool -a 0x1 -e wine RA95.exe

Set the Windows version for 'ra95.exe' (can be done with winecfg) to win98 or update to the latest version.

Replace 'WSOCK32.DLL' in the game directory by running CnCNet's launcher one time to get fully working LAN and internet. Add wsock32 to dll overrides for it to take effect.

To get around most of the bugs listed, check out:

Also remember to add ddraw to dll overrides to get it loading, virtual desktop also recommended.

Recommended version of Red Alert is latest 3.03p to play network games. It has many bug fixes (including online crashes) and new features.

If the installer can't find your installation files check that you have the CD-ROM drive set up correctly under winecfg and add this symlink:

ln -s /dev/ ~/.wine/dosdevices/\:\:

Or if you use the .ISO download from EA:

ln -s /path/to/redalert_cd1.iso ~/.wine/dosdevices/\:\:

where is the letter of the CD drive as it appears in winecfg


Comments Disabled

Comments for this application have been disabled because there are no maintainers.