
The Incredible Machine

The Incredible Machine 3, contained the same levels as The Incredible Machine 2, but with an improved interface. As a Windows-only title, it added extra features as well like CD music tracks.

Application Details:

Version: 3
License: Retail
Votes: 1
Latest Rating: Platinum
Latest Wine Version Tested: 1.7.51

Maintainers: About Maintainership

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Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works

- Installing the game. - Playing the game. - Music (from CD).

What does not

- Sound effects. - Minor graphical glitch : computer screens in game are black after they have been activated, but this does not prevent the user from solving the puzzles. - A few error messages after installation, but no real problem.


What was not tested

- I only tested the puzzle solving mode. - I didn't test the hardware test proposed during the installation.

Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
ShowGentoo Linux x86_64Sep 21 20151.7.51Yes Yes NoPlatinumNathan Shearer 
ShowUbuntu 14.04 "Trusty" i386 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Oct 12 20141.6.2Yes Yes NoSilverKatie Cadet 
CurrentUbuntu 10.04 "Lucid" amd64 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Apr 21 20101.1.42Yes Yes NoBronzeAntoine Amarilli 
ShowGentoo Linux x86_64Oct 03 20091.1.29Yes Yes NoGoldNathan Shearer 
ShowGentoo Linux x86_64Nov 20 20081.1.9Yes Yes NoSilverNathan Shearer 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected

Show open bugs

HowTo / Notes


This version of the game installs from a CD-ROM. If the CD-ROM is mounted while playing the game, you will get extra effects such as:

  • Professor Tim reading the goals and hints
  • CD audio music

To install and play the game follow these steps:

  1. Create a windows 95 prefix
    1. $ WINEPREFIX="/home/user/.wine.tim3" WINEARCH=win32 winecfg
    2. Set the windows version to "Windows 95"
  2. Copy the BIN+CUE image into the prefix
    1. $ mkdir ~/.wine.tim3/cd
    2. $ cp tim3.cue tim3.bin ~/.wine.tim3/cd
  3. Load the disc image with cdemu
    1. $ cdemu load 0 ~/.wine.tim3/cd/tim3.cue
  4. Edit /etc/fstab and add an entry to allow non-root mounting of the cdemu device
    1. Note that "sr1" could be "sr0" if you don't have a physical cdrom drive
    2. sudo mkdir /mnt/sr1
    3. sudo vi /etc/fstab
      /dev/sr1 /mnt/sr1 auto noauto,user 0 0
  5. Mount the disc image
    1. $ mount /mnt/sr1
    2. $ ls /mnt/sr1
  6. Verify the cdrom is setup correctly in wine
    1. $ WINEPREFIX="/home/user/.wine.tim3" winecfg
    2. Go to the Drives tab
    3. Verify that the D: drive points to /mnt/sr1
  7. Install The Incredible Machine 3
    1. $ WINEPREFIX="/home/user/.wine.tim3" wine "D:\\setup.exe"
    2. Do not test your hardware with the install wizard
    3. Perform the large install
  8. Start The Incredible Machine 3
    1. $ WINEPREFIX="/home/user/.wine.tim3" wine "C:\\SIERRA\\TIMWIN\\TIMWIN.EXE"
Automatically Load and Mount the Disc Image

This version of the game installs from a CD-ROM. If the CD-ROM is mounted while playing the game, you will get extra effects such as:

  • Professor Tim reading the goals and hints
  • CD audio music

To automatically load the disc with cdemu, mount the disc, and start the game, follow these instructions to install a script that takes care of all the mounting and unmounting:

  1. Create helper script
    1. Using your favorite text editor, create ~/.wine.tim3/

      cdemu load 0 ~/.wine.tim3/cd_1/Disc.cue
      mount /mnt/sr1 || \
          ( sleep 1 && mount /mnt/sr1 ) || \
          ( sleep 1 && mount /mnt/sr1 ) || \
          ( sleep 1 && mount /mnt/sr1 ) || \
          ( sleep 1 && mount /mnt/sr1 ) || \
          ( sleep 1 && mount /mnt/sr1 )

      WINEPREFIX=$(echo ~/.wine.tim3) wine "C:\\SIERRA\\TIMWIN\\TIMWIN.EXE"
      umount /mnt/sr1
      sleep 1
      cdemu unload 0
      sleep 1
      killall cdemu-daemon
    2. $ chmod a+x ~/.wine.tim3/
  2. Run the script to start the game with the cd mounted. You should hear cd quality music playing and Professor Tim reading the goals and hints if it worked correctly
  3. Edit your Kickoff Application Launcher applications and add the script to your games folder :)


Comments Disabled

Comments for this application have been disabled because there are no maintainers.