Application Details:
Version: | 1.50 [Build xxx] |
License: | Free to use |
URL: | |
Votes: | 3 |
Latest Rating: | Silver |
Latest Wine Version Tested: | 1.1.26 |
Maintainers: About Maintainership
No maintainers. Volunteer today!
What works
Almost everything
What does not
menu HideEUO is buggy, and when it works (Closing the euo window) it cannot be reopened.
OnHotKey function works only if the easyuo window is focused.
What was not tested
impossible to say, euo has so many uses!
Hardware tested
Additional Comments
Operating system | Test date | Wine version | Installs? | Runs? | Used Workaround? | Rating | Submitter | ||
Show | Slackware 13.0 | Oct 17 2009 | 1.1.26 | Yes | Yes | No | Silver | Olivier Diotte | |
Show | Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy" i386 (+ variants like Kubuntu) | Jul 30 2008 | 1.1.2 | Yes | Yes | No | Silver | Olivier Diotte | |
Show | Gentoo Linux | Jan 08 2008 | 0.9.52. | Yes | Yes | No | Silver | an anonymous user | |
Show | Gentoo Linux | Jul 11 2007 | 0.9.40. | N/A | Yes | No | Silver | an anonymous user | |
Current | Gentoo Linux | Jul 31 2007 | 0.9.39. | N/A | Yes | No | Gold | an anonymous user |
As of wine-1.1.30, EasyUO window resizes to a 5x5 (or so) pixels square, making it impossible to even click the 'File' menu.
Here's a way around it (tested on Xfce):
Click the EasyUO slot in the taskbar (to reduce it) and open it again, it is now a 5x5 unusable window.
Now, reduce the window behind it (or open and reduce one) by clicking their slot in the taskbar, then triple-click the EasyUO slot in the taskbar.
EasyUO should now be back to its normal size.
Here is the test script one can use to test most of EasyUO commands:
;1 for event sysMessage, 2 for msg, 3 for display Ok
set %outputMethod 3 ;Default: 3
;paranoid tests related (tests EUO arithmetic,
;setting variables, etc.):
set %paranoidTests #FALSE ;Default: #FALSE
;skill commands related:
set %testSkillCmd #TRUE ;Default: #TRUE
set %SKILL_TO_USE HIDI ;Default: HIDI (hiding)
;For a short skill names list
;GUI commands related:
set %testGUICmd #TRUE ;Default: #TRUE
;Obsolete commands related:
set %obsolteTests #FALSE ;Default: #FALSE
;Only meaningful if %obsoleteTests is #TRUE
set %playCD #FALSE
;Only meaningful if %playCD is true
set %CD_Drive D:
;End of configuration
if ( %paranoidTests )
goSub paranoidTests
if ( %obsoleteTests )
goSub obsoleteTests
goSub normalTests
goSub testGUI
sub output
nameSpace push
nameSpace local subOutput
set !method %outputMethod
set !msg
for !i 1 %0
set !msg !msg , #SPC , % . !i
if ( !method = 1 )
event sysMessage !msg
if ( !method = 2 )
msg !msg , $
if ( !method = 3 )
display Ok !msg
nameSpace clear
nameSpace pop
sub paranoidTests
nameSpace push
nameSpace local subParanoidTests
goSub output "Testing set command..."
set !a 1
goSub output "This should output 1:" , !a
goSub output "If this outputs on one lin"
+"e, the concatenation operator works"
goSub output "Testing basic arithmetic..."
goSub output "1+2=" , ( 1 + 2 ) , "2*3=" ,
+ ( 2 * 3 ) , "4/2=" , ( 4 / 2 ) , "5-7=" ,
+ ( 5 -7 ) , "ABS(-4)=" , ( ABS ( -4 ) )
goSub output "Testing for command..."
for !i 1 25
goSub output "This should output 25:" , !i
;To be filled...
;if (+ else)
;goSub (Well, we're in one...)
;halt-stop-exit (NVM testable in a script though)
nameSpace clear
nameSpace pop
sub obsoleteTests
nameSpace push
nameSpace local subObsoleteTests
set !a SET
goSub output "Testing delVar... SET=" , !a
deleteVar !a
goSub output "This should output N/A:" , !a
;goSub output "Testing initEvents..."
;I don't know how to test for this one
if ( %playCD )
goSub output "Testing playCD..."
playCD %CD_Drive
goSub output "Stopping CD play..."
nameSpace clear
nameSpace pop
sub normalTests
nameSpace push
nameSpace local subNormalTests
set !b_error #FALSE
if ( %testSkillCmd )
goSub testSkill %SKILL_TO_USE
goSub output "Warping mouse to 5,5"
click 5 5 mc
set %mouseTest ( #cursorX <> 5 || #cursorY <> 5 )
goSub output "saving pixel at 10,15"
savePix 10 15 1
set !pixel #pixCol
set %pixelTests #FALSE
cmpPix 1 t
set !pixelTests #TRUE
%ouput "Testing contPos, "
+ "A gump will move on screen..."
set !oldContX #contPosX
set !oldContY #contPosY
contPos 400 400
set %contPosTest ( #contPosX = 400 && #contPosY = 400 )
;Testing a second time as last container *MIGHT*
;have been at 400,400 already
contPos 0 0
set %contPosTest ( %contPosTest && #contPosX = 0 && #contPosY = 0 )
contPos !oldContX !oldContY
if ( %contPosTest )
goSub output "Success"
goSub output "Failure"
goSub output Testing pause command (you'll need to hit 'Play' again if this worked)
set !oldJournal #journal
scanJournal 1
if ( #journal <> !oldJournal )
goSub output journal was !oldJournal and is now #journal
goSub output Simulating TAB keypress (this should toggle War/Peace)
key TAB
goSub output Testing onHotKey, press and hold F1
+ while the UO window has the focus (not
+ EasyUO!)
set !timer #sCnt
set !b_endLoop #FALSE
onHotKey F1
set !b_endLoop #TRUE
until ( #sCnt > !timer + 30 || !b_endLoop )
if ( ! !b_endLoop )
goSub output onHotkey test failed
goSub output Testing getUOTitle
goSub output Title of UO window is: #strRes
goSub output setUOTitle test (setting title to 'WineTest')
setUOTitle WIneTest
if ( #strRes = WineTest )
set !result success
set !result failure
goSub output setUOTitle test: !result
;event drag
;event exMsg
;event pathFind
;event property
;event sleep
;exEvent drag
;exEvent dropC
;exEvent dropPd
;exEvent dropG
;exEvent popup
;exEvent renamePet
;exEvent statLock
set %1 ( ! !b_error && %mouseTest &&
+ !pixelTest && %contPosTest )
nameSpace clear
nameSpace pop
return %1
;sub testSkill
;%1 : short name of skill to use
;Returns #FALSE if a test failed (verifiable
;ones only)
sub testSkill
nameSpace push
nameSpace local subTestSkill
set !skill %1
set !b_error #FALSE
chooseSkill !skill
goSub output Your skill in !skill
+ is: #skill
goSub output !skill , " skill is currently:"
+ , #skillLock
if ( #skillLock = up )
exEvent skillLock !skill locked
set !newSkillState locked
exEvent skillLock !skill up
set !newSkillState up
goSub output "It should now be:" , !newSkillState ,
+ "it is actually:" , #skillLock
set !b_error ( !b_error || #skillLock <> !newSkillState )
set %1 ! !b_error
nameSpace clear
nameSpace pop
return %1
sub testGUI
goSub output Creating EUO menu
menu show 200 200
menu window size 100 500
menu window title wineTestEUOGfx
menu window color $FF0000
goSub output Testing menu window transparent (takes 10 seconds)
for %i 0 100 ;Loops from 0 to 100
menu window transparent %i ;Sets the transparency of the window
wait 2
goSub output If you can see through the menu now, command worked
goSub output Next command should hide the EUO menu window
menu hide
;menu activate
;menu button
;menu check
;menu clear
;menu combo
;menu delete
;menu edit
;menu font align
;menu font bgColor
;menu font color
;menu font name
;menu font size
;menu font style
;menu font transparent
;menu get
;menu getNum
;menu hide
;menu hideEUO
;menu image create
;menu image ellipse
;menu image file
;menu image floodFill
;menu image line
;menu image pix
;menu image pixLine
;menu image pos
;menu image rectangle
;menu list
;menu set
;menu shape
;menu show
;menu text
;menu window color
;menu window size
;menu window title
;menu window transparent
sub testNameSpace
;nameSpace local
;nameSpace global
;nameSpace clear
;nameSpace push
;nameSpace pop
;nameSpace copy
sub testMiscs
Comments for this application have been disabled because there are no maintainers.