Category: Main Games Emulators NullDC 1.0.x


Application Details:

Version: 1.0.x
License: Free to use
Votes: 2
Latest Rating: Gold
Latest Wine Version Tested: 1.7.20

Maintainers: About Maintainership

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Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works

Program boots and runs provided dll's recommended in other posts are installed. I had the Visual C++ libraries and the latest Directx9 libraries installed via winetricks. Program allows plugin settings to be changed.

What does not

When booting a rom the imagereader plugin crashes while trying to read the cd. This happens in the same way if either the cd image file or an actual cd is loaded. This definitely seems to be a wine 1.2 issue as the program still runs fine under wine 1.1.3.


What was not tested

I didn't change the settings for unrelated plugins like the networking and so on.

Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

There are two workarounds so you can carry on with this emulator.The first, if you want to keep things simple, is to find a copy of nulldc 1.0.3, which works under Wine 1.2 However, it is more CPU intensive, less compatible with dreamcast games and crucially only has a keyboard input plugin. The best solution is to build a specific install of wine 1.1.32 under a name like "nulldcwine". You can do this by: 1. After installing the wine build dependencies, Download wine 1.1.32 from sourceforge: [] 2. Unpacking the tar.gz file and compiling it. Note '''do not''' do this as root: $CFLAGS=-fno-stack-protector ./configure --prefix="/home/YOUR USERNAME/.nulldcwine" $make depend && make $make install 3. Place the nulldc libraries in the "Program Files" directory or wherever you like to keep them. place a copy of winetricks in the ~/.nulldcwine/bin/ directory 4. In the ~/.nulldcwine/bin directory run the command: $sh wineprefixcreate --prefix /home/YOUR USERNAME/.nulldcwine 4. Now configure the program as normal but each time calling wine with WINEPREFIX="/home/YOUR USERNAME/.nulldcwine" so to call winetricks type $WINEPREFIX="/home/YOUR USERNAME/.nulldcwine" sh ~/.nulldcwine/bin/winetricks to call winecfg: $WINEPREFIX="/home/YOUR USERNAME/.nulldcwine" ~/.nulldcwine/bin/winecfg and so on. When you're all set run nulldc, just use the WINEPREFIX command and point your special version of wine at the nulldc executable as follows: $WINEPREFIX="/home/YOUR USERNAME/.nulldcwine" ~/.nulldcwine/bin/wine /PATH/TO/NULLDC/DIRECTORY/nulldc100_b6.exe

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
ShowDebian GNU/Linux 8.x "Jessie" x86_64Jul 05 20141.7.20N/A Yes NoGoldan anonymous user 
ShowDebian GNU/Linux 8.x "Jessie" x86_64Jun 30 20141.6.2N/A Yes NoGoldan anonymous user 
ShowDebian GNU/Linux 7.x "Wheezy" x86_64Nov 01 20131.7.5Yes Yes NoPlatinuman anonymous user 
ShowLinux Mint 13 "Maya"Oct 20 20121.5.15Yes Yes NoSilverCarlos Rodriguez 
ShowLinux Mint 10 "Julia"Feb 17 20121.4-rc2Yes Yes NoGarbagean anonymous user 

Known Bugs

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Comments for this application have been disabled because there are no maintainers.