
Trains and Trucks Tycoon

The following has changed with Version 1.1:

(1) Changes in four areas: Construction/Operation/Misc./Bugs

# Raising/Lowering of land was simplified #
Now you can modify a much larger radius with fewer clicks.
One click on the "b"-key and you change into raise/lower land mode.
In this mode use keys 1,2, ... 0 to select a radius where land is modified.
If you _click_ a land area in this mode and __keep_mouse_pressed_
you can raise/lower land moving your mouse up/down.
Using shift+b will recalculate landscape boundaries - please use it.
With ctrl-g you can show the landscape "grid" - please use it.
WARNING: This new feature is intended for experienced landscapers.
You may create a mountain range or a black hole in seconds.
Please save frequently when you landscape this way!

Vehicle Operation
# Stop Trains (Vehicles) #
Many people asked for this so now you get a button to stop trains on tracks.
Road vehicles may also be stopped on the road with this new button ...
# Trains may ignore signals #
Signals and scheduling have been a secret technology once - they still
are complicated and may lead to strange situations when building in a hurry.
Now you can tell any train to "ignore next signal" to get out of a trap.
Note: This will not lead to train crashes or the like. Trains will just
"pass through each other unharmed". If you press this button somewhere "on
the track" the train will ignore the next signal to come.
# Trains do show current activity and next station #
You asked us for more info on current train status - here it is.
# Switches can be passed with higher speed #
Modern trains were slowed too much by switches (in your opinion.-)
.... now they (almost) "race through".
# Trains that block each other try to solve the blockade #
.... even if your schedule "isn't good" or in cases where you destroyed
signals while the train was running, the program tries to fix at least
part of the problems arising - like trains switch in a blocked station
or at the end of a now dead track, even if there is a train behind.

Most likely the most important modification for planning is:
Now you do have a really big map where you can plan & see.
(the trade-off there is calculation power)
Toggling the "m"-key: switches BIG-MAP ON/OFF
# News may be switched off #
In the options screen you will find a checkbox
# Autosave-Function #
You report the game to be quite stable - but here is your Autosave
Check the options-menu checkbox and the game will be saved 6x/hour.
#Modifying Cities #
Now you may destroy quite a few buildings inside a town.
Click on the destroy-button, next on the building you want to remove.
Cost of destruction is shown in the box. Clicking OK will reduce
your cash and remove the building !
# Minimize the legend window #
A double click on the (industry) legend
.... and you only see the small industry model.
Note: You may also move almost all menus "over the screen edge"
using "Drag & Drop". This way they remain easily accessible 
but do not cover valuable screen area.
Hint 2: Did you note that you can move the Main-Menu to the top
of the screen ... give it a try!
# Settings for generated maps modified #
.... almost all menu setting ranges have been modified/extended.
The starting date now is 1920 ... so you will have trucks by default!
The starting date may be lowered to 1820 via mouseclick now
.... but note that having only a few old trains may reduce your fun !
1-10 cities -> 1-20 cities
1-3 industry chains -> 1-5 industry chains
You may create a map with "no water" (which however reduces the
industry chains since there means also "no harbour"!
.... we sure do hope we have responded to your requests there!
Note: Some of the now possible settings do require quite some
number crunching power. Better have a big CPU if you want a big game!
# Date settings of vehicles/trailers changed in some detail #
.... so that you have more (old) choices after the year 200x

- Removal of Stops
.... now you should be able to remove a stop "under all circumstances".
.... (please click on the piece of road where the stop is !)
.... you may set several stops in one run. Set Stop-Modus isn't switched 
    back after each stop.
.... Trains will try to "unravel" - to the extent that this is possible,
    else manually use the return and new "stop"-button (see above) to unblock.
- The message that tells you a train hasn't moved for a year will no longer be
displayed for trains that are located in a train depot. Also if you do STOP
a train via the new button there is no automatic warning!
.... you asked for this but we'd rather recommend to sell that vehicle!
Having trains "in stock" only reduces your available cash unnecessarily.
- (smaller bugfixes)
Vehicle Data, Schedule-Buttons, Graphics Errors
.... V landscape flatten/lowering active again
.... Ctrl-g shows landscape net active again
(... see the new landscape modifier above

Application Details:

Version: 1.1
License: Retail
Votes: 0
Latest Rating: Platinum
Latest Wine Version Tested: 1.1.19

Maintainers: About Maintainership

No maintainers. Volunteer today!

Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works

Version 1.1 installed from Windows works perfectly on Wine.

What does not

nothing :)


What was not tested


Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

Ubisoft closed support of this game but you can find full version if you use Google or your favorite search engine. It's good game. :)

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
ShowUbuntu 9.04 "Jaunty" amd64 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Apr 16 20091.1.19Yes Yes NoPlatinumZerone 
CurrentUbuntu 7.04 "Feisty" i386 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Sep 19 20070.9.45.N/A Yes NoGoldRinaldus 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected

Show all bugs


Comments Disabled

Comments for this application have been disabled because there are no maintainers.