
Adobe Fireworks

Rapidly prototype and design for the web

Accelerate web design and development with Adobe Fireworks CS3 software, the ideal tool for creating and optimizing images for the web and rapidly prototyping websites.

Application Details:

Version: CS3
License: Shareware
Votes: 7
Latest Rating: Gold
Latest Wine Version Tested: 1.6

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Test Results

Old test results
The test results for this version are very old, and as such they may not represent the current state of Wine. Please consider submitting a new test report.
Selected Test Results

What works

  • Tool Set
  • Creative Commands
  • Custom Fonts
  • Styles/Layers
  • Creating New File
  • Opening existing image
  • Importing image
  • Filters
  • Everything that i've tested inside the software.

What does not

  • Activation


What was not tested

  • Instalation

Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

I have to install in a Virtual Machine and follow the guide to make work. I don't try to install directly in wine since asks for Microsoft .NET 3.5 and the installation just crash. I can't activate Fireworks CS3 trought wine, i found a alternative Fireworks.exe for Fireworks. Outside that 2 details the software works pretty well. Hardware: AMD Phenom II x6 1090T, 8GB DDR3, GeForce GTX460. Software: Arch Linux x86_64, Nvidia Proprietary 319.32, KDE 4.10.5, Wine 1.6 Wine: From Arch repositories, with multilib libraries installed, used with WINEARCH=win32, Wine Gecko and Wine Mono installed.

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
CurrentArch Linux x86_64Jul 24 20131.6No, but has workaround Yes NoGoldArtur h0m3 
ShowDebian GNU/Linux 7.x "Wheezy"Dec 14 20121.5.19No, but has workaround Yes NoSilverArtur h0m3 
ShowUbuntu 10.10 "Maverick" i386 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Dec 30 20101.3.10No, but has workaround Yes NoGoldArtur h0m3 
ShowUbuntu 10.04 "Lucid" i386 (+ variants like Kubuntu)May 19 20101.1.42Yes No NoGarbagean anonymous user 
ShowUbuntu 9.10 "Karmic" i386 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Feb 09 20101.1.37No Not installable NoGarbageFelipe Moraes 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected
31882 Many multithreaded gui apps randomly deadlock in winex11 driver surface section (arial32.exe, Aquanox, Mahaa demo, Total Commander) RESOLVED NOTOURBUG View

Show all bugs

HowTo / Notes


This notes was updated: August, 03 - 2013.

First of all, thank you for spend your time helping wine to get better,

I like to make some suggestions to make the tests results more organized to another users:

  • Put your PC specifications at the Extra Comments section, like the manufacturer of your CPU, speed and system memory.
  • Specify if you installed the program into a fresh prefix (or not), and what programs are you installed with it.
  • Tell what version of the windows emulation (on winecfg) you use in your wine.
  • Add a comment about what is doesn't working.
  • Tell if you put any official or unnoficial path on your application. Like some modifications on application .exe or some modification on a config file.
  • Give some details, please don't put tests like "Everything is working" or "Nothing isn't working".

These are just suggestions to make tests result more clean and more fast to be submitted.

How to Install
You need:
  • Wine 1.3.0 or newest, it's recomended the last release. 
  • A computer with Windows installed (XP or newest) to install Fireworks (can be a VM or Dual Boot).
  • A replacement to fireworks.exe.

How to install

Before anything, you need to open your winecfg and set the prefix version to Windows XP or newest, since Adobe Fireworks CS3 only works on XP or newest versions of Windows.

Then, boot your Windows computer and install Adobe Fireworks CS3 like every other software.

After than, copy the windows folder "C:\Program Files\Adobe" (you can use some network share system like samba or any usb flash drive to copy) and paste on your unix: "(your-prefix)/drive_c/Program Files/Adobe"

You need to do that because the Adobe Fireworks CS3 installer don't work on Wine.

To be sure that Adobe Fireworks CS3 will Work fine you need to apply some registry patchs on your wine, to do that, create a file called fireworks.reg, edit-it with your favorite text editor and put the follow registry keys:

"InstallPath"="C:\\Programas\\Adobe\\Adobe Fireworks CS3

Then run the follow command on your unix terminal:

env WINEPREFIX="(your-prefix)" WINEDEBUG="fixme-all" wine regedit ./fireworks.reg

You need to install vcrun (Visual C runtime) 2005 and 2008 to make Fireworks run properly, to do that, download from here and here and install on your prefix.

You need to override the Wine vcrun libraries with the native version, to do that create a file called vcrun.reg with the follow content:


Then run the follow command:

env WINEPREFIX="(your-prefix)" WINEDEBUG="fixme-all" wine regedit ./vcrun.reg

You also need a replacement to fireworks.exe, since the Adobe activation don't work under wine, before start Fireworks CS3 for the firsrt time, you need to replace fireworks.exe with a executable that jumps the activation process, you can find-it on google. Just find and replace it on "(your-prefix)/drive_c/Program Files/Adobe/Adode Fireworks CS3/fireworks.exe"

To finish the instalation, you need the following fonts to make Fireworks looks less ugly: arial.ttf, tahoma.ttf, times.ttf and verdana.ttf.

Now, to run Adobe Fireworks CS3 just run this command:

env WINEDEBUG="fixme-all" WINEPREFIX="(your-prefix)" wine "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Fireworks CS3\fireworks.exe"


Adobe Fireworks CS3 installer don't work.

The Adobe Fireworks CS3 installer don't work on wine, along with other reasons the installer don't work because need .NET Framework 3.5 and it can't detect on your wine.You need another Windows machine to install Fireworks CS3

 See the How-to install above.

Adobe Fireworks CS3 activation don't work.

Along with the installer, the activation also don't work, you need to replace your fireworks.exe to make fireworks work fine, please, read the How-to install above for more info.

Adobe Fireworks CS3 don't open.

This happens when the vcrun2005 and the vcrun2008 isn't installed, to install, follow the How-to install above, Fireworks also can refuse to open if the basic fonts like tahoma, arial, times and verdana aren't installed on your prefix.

Sometimes the mouse cursor become invisible on draw area.

This is a known bug, but we don't have any solution for that yet.

General Troubleshoot
  • On your winecfg, chage the Emulation version to Windows XP.
  • Try recreate your wine prefix, copy your Adobe folder from your old prefix to a safe location and follow the How-To Install note again.
  • Verify if your wine version isn't too old (need 1.3.0 or newest).
  • Be sure that your Adobe folder wasn't corrupted when you copied from your Windows Computer.


Comments Disabled

Comments for this application have been disabled because there are no maintainers.