Category: Main Games Team Fortress 2 Steam

Team Fortress 2

Constantly updated Steam version. All languages.

Please specify video card and video driver version when submitting test results.

There is a native Linux version of this game.

Application Details:

Version: Steam
License: Retail
URL: http://www.whatistheorangebox....
Votes: 114
Latest Rating: Bronze
Latest Wine Version Tested: 8.0-rc2-staging

Maintainers: About Maintainership

Link Team Fortress 2 Free Download Steam installer

Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works

Gameplay, Menus, sprays, mic chat, most things.

What does not

Showing scores or ending a round crashes the game.


What was not tested

LAN, Anti-aliasing, HDR, dxlevel 90

Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

used -novid -dxlevel 81 for launch options, tested on this system: 4GB RAM 2.2GHZ Pentium Dual-Core 1GB Nvidia 9400 GT with driver version 185.18.36 Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
ShowFedora 36 x86_64Jan 06 20238.0-rc2-stagingYes Yes YesBronzeMarkus B. 
ShowopenSUSE Tumbleweed (rolling release)Oct 21 20216.19N/A No NoGarbageMay 
ShowUbuntu 16.04 "Xenial" amd64 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Nov 08 20161.8.5Yes Yes NoPlatinuman anonymous user 
ShowUbuntu 15.04 "Vivid" amd64 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Jul 28 20151.7.44Yes Yes NoPlatinuman anonymous user 
ShowLinux Mint 14 "Nadia" x86_64Jan 03 20131.5.20Yes Yes NoGoldan anonymous user 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected
5159 Microphone xmit in Half Life and HL:S games very harsh and goes in and out of "focus" REOPENED View
6297 Half life 2 based games occasionally do not start due to registry in use CLOSED INVALID View
7698 Counter-Strike:Source crashes after a while CLOSED FIXED View
9814 Team Fortress 2 will not start: stack overflow CLOSED INVALID View
9878 Most Steam games crash when starting/loading a game CLOSED FIXED View
9983 Half-Life 2, Counter Strike Source and other games crash at startup CLOSED FIXED View
10947 Team Fortress 2 crashes when joining some servers. CLOSED FIXED View
11195 software sticky key issue in x CLOSED INVALID View
12327 Team Fortress 2 freezes when starting playin CLOSED FIXED View
12706 winealsa.drv: "No master control found" on usb microphone devices CLOSED FIXED View
12807 Team Fortress 2 crashes after running for several minutes at 1680x1050 CLOSED FIXED View
13589 Team Fortress 2/TF 2: Black rectangles instead of the correct sprites are displayed CLOSED INVALID View
13971 After playing for about 5-10 minutes, Team Fortress 2 only responds on mouse movement CLOSED ABANDONED View
14039 Sending Client Info fails on TF2 CLOSED ABANDONED View
14394 Team Fortress 2 crashes and locks up randomly CLOSED FIXED View
14778 Unusual characters in player names crashes Team Fortress 2 CLOSED FIXED View
15162 Team Fortress 2 unstable - random 3d related crashes CLOSED FIXED View
15559 winealsa sound regression: scratchiness/stutter in multiple games CLOSED FIXED View
17056 Team Fortress 2 launched from within steam loads, but crashes when launching any map CLOSED FIXED View
17573 Team Fortress 2 crashes on launch CLOSED INVALID View
17901 Team Fortress 2 hangs with looping sound after random time, say 5 mins CLOSED DUPLICATE View
18636 All source games crash on exit CLOSED FIXED View
18900 Wineserver crashes starting Team Fortress 2 CLOSED FIXED View
19462 d3d9: visual test crashes with glsl disabled with nvidia 190 drivers CLOSED FIXED View
19474 Team Fortress 2 crashes on startup with an assertion failure CLOSED DUPLICATE View
19522 Team Fortress 2 (TF2) missing menu fonts CLOSED FIXED View
19874 clicking on a window's client area does not give it keyboard focus CLOSED WORKSFORME View
20053 Team-Fortress 2 and other source games suffer from black menu and missing UI textures in dx9 mode CLOSED FIXED View
20602 thread/cpu affinity not correct with multi core enabled source engine games CLOSED FIXED View
21534 TF2 stops when pushing on the key : "Display multiplayer scores" (tab key by default) CLOSED FIXED View
23386 TF2 throws pixel shader 1.1 error when started with -dxlevel 9 CLOSED INVALID View
23484 Texture missing on briefcase in Team Fortress 2 CLOSED INVALID View
23578 Team Fortress 2: Significant lag disrupts gameplay... CLOSED FIXED View
24064 Many steam games crash because of GameOverlayRenderer.dll CLOSED FIXED View
24166 Team Fortress 2 freezes while playing (with ATI driver) CLOSED ABANDONED View
24667 On ATI Radeon HD 5xxx (and probably 6xxx) all source-based games flicker and can't render some objects and NPCs CLOSED INVALID View
24684 Multiple Source engine based games (Steam): out-of-order rendering, bloom effect and lights are visible through walls when multicore rendering is enabled NEW View
25150 Some effects are rendered upside down in source engine games CLOSED FIXED View
25256 Source based games won't start (Team Fortress 2) CLOSED FIXED View
26713 Team Fortress 2 (Steam) crashes in the menu CLOSED FIXED View
26714 Teamfortress 2 issues with lighting (tf2) CLOSED DUPLICATE View
26818 Team Fortress 2 crashes within 30 secs of map load with xorg 1.10.1 installed CLOSED INVALID View
27156 Bioshock demo: mouse jumps around menu CLOSED FIXED View
27453 Lag when loading new sound in source games NEW View
27779 Desktop mouse pointer always visible in Steam games CLOSED FIXED View
27844 Team Fortress 2 lockup CLOSED INVALID View
28066 Sound stops after some time (restarting sound in game usually possible) CLOSED FIXED View
29294 No sound with ALSA loopback devices CLOSED ABANDONED View
50354 Team Fortress 2 crashes during loading CLOSED FIXED View

Show open bugs

HowTo / Notes


Installing Team Fortress 2

  • Use Wine-1.1.35 or newer (Steam doesn't work with older versions).
  • Install TF2 via Steam or copy the data files to steamapps.
  • The latest Wine version is strongly recommended.  

Detailed Configuration for Team Fortress 2

This section is Optional how ever it may greatly improve the stability and frame rate you achieve with TF2.

  • Make sure sound is configured and working (test in winecfg).
  • Add "-nointro" option to skip valve video. Some users report this helps to avoid initial crash.
  • Run TF2 within a Virtual Desktop if you want consistent alt-tabbing.  This is done via winecfg -> Graphics -> "Emulate a Virtual Desktop".  This size should be the same as your screen resolution.
  • If you are using a multi-screen setup and a Virtual Desktop you may need to enable the "Automatically capture the mouse in full-screen windows" if the mouse is escaping in your Wine version.
  • Virtual Desktops can be defined on a per-application basis.

Running Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2 can be run from Steam or from the command line.

To start TF2 using the command line:

WINEDEBUG=-all wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Steam/steam.exe -applaunch 440 -nointro

See Steam Official Troubleshooting and Steam Classic Troubleshooting for any issues related to Steam itself.

Team Fortress 2 crashes on scoreboard display.

This bug was introduced in a TF2 update at the start of 2010. Another update ~May 2010 is believed to have fixed it. If you are still experiencing this bug, please comment on bug #21534. There are two potential solutions.

1) The bug can be worked around by playing TF2 at a resolution with less than 1024 pixels of height.

2) A minor edit to the theme of TF2 fixes the crash consistently.

  • Download and install GCFExplorer from this forum post. (Works with Wine 1.1.43, use at your own risk.)
  • Extract ClientScheme.res from team fortress 2 content.gcf located in the steamapps folder (~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Steam/steamapps).  ClientScheme is located in /tf/resource/ within the gcf package.
  • Place this file in ./steamapps/~youruser~/team fortress 2/tf/resource
  • Using a text editor open ClientScheme.res and find the subsections "ScoreboardTeamScore" and "HudFontGiant" and change the font type from 'TF2' to 'Verdana' in sub-definitions '4' and '5' for both sections.

Thanks to rasmus.ry for posting this.  More information is available in bug #21534.

Team Fortress 2 doesn't start at all or crashes on start

In the most cases, this bug is caused by the Steam In-Game Overlay, to solve Open your winecfg, go to Libraries, add a new Library called gameoverlayrender and set to disabled, the Steam In-Game Overlay and screenshot will not work.

Note: Also solved by properly compiled Wine with supported gcc versions.

Team Fortress 2 crashes after connecting to some servers

If you can connect to some servers and not others consistently it is most likely caused by the MOTD displayed at the start of any match.  This can disabled for all servers via the in-game options.

Options -> Multiplayer -> Advanced -> Disable MOTD (checkbox).

This also happens with some languages has some symbols that Wine can't handle and Team Fortress 2 is a game that is full translated, so, when you connect some servers the engine load this fonts and crash TF2, to solve-it just set language of Steam to english, all the games will be english. This bug happens with portuguese, but, can happen with other languages as well.

Team Fortress 2 randomly crashes during game

Unfortunately there are many reasons for these crashes.  Try reducing screen resolution, lover video settings (shadow, textures quality, etc).  If the bug is consistent please consider reporting it or filing a bug report if one doesn't already exist.

TF2 slows down immensely after playing for a short while

See bug #23578. Valve updated their anti-cheat code with the Engineer update and WINE did not handle this well. This bug also affected at least some other games launched from Steam. There is a fix for this in git after 21 July 2010. All 1.3.x versions should contain this fix. 1.2 does NOT contain this fix, but the patch applies cleanly to the 1.2 source. 1.2.1 does contain this fix, so the most recent stable or the most recent development versions should just both work fine now.

Mouse randomly jumps around menu or in game.

This is caused by the new implementation of mouse input in wine, to solve-it, you need to run the game in Windowed mode or into a Virtual Desktop.

Thanks to Frozen Fox and others, this bug has another solution that is download and install a Wine version to before than 1.3.20 (because this is the version that was set the new mouse implementation).

Download here the Source for Wine 1.3.19.

Note: This bug was solved in the newset versions of wine.

Team Fortress 2 is Dark and doesn't show the menu correctly.

This bug is related with the last Team Fortress update and some nvidia video cards, you can solve it by adding -nod3d9ex at the launch option into the game, to do that, right click at the game on steam, go to Proprieties and click into Set Launch Options.

General Bug Fixes.

If Team Fortress 2 crash and you can't solve, you can try these steps:

  • Add "-dxlevel 81" to the TF2's launch options. This option is need for the first run in some machines.
  • Verify video drivers installed properly.  Wine is 32-bit application and requires 32-bit display driver libraries.
  • Install Steam into separate WINEPREFIX to avoid conflicts.
  • Set TF2's main executable "hl2.exe" to "Windows 98" version.  This is done via winecfg -> "Add application..." -> type hl2.exe in the filename box -> click open -> select hl2.exe in the "Application Settings" list and change "Windows Version" to "Windows 98".
  • Close Steam, verify that Wine is not running. To force Wine to exit use 'wineserver -k' command. If this doesn't work manually kill all Wine processes except wineserver.
  • Make sure sound is working properly in Wine.
  • Run TF2 in full-screen mode, window mode might cause crashes.  Use a virtual desktop if required.
  • Check integrity of Steam data files.  To really be sure no files are corrupt remove "Program Files/Steam/steamapps/team fortress 2" directory (save configs first) and let Steam rebuild it.
Native Linux version available!

Right on-time for holidays Valve delivers!

As of December 19 Team Fortress 2 available as native Linux application to anyone!

Valve's post on Steam for Linux forum.

The Steam for Linux beta program is now open to the public! In order to participate in the beta, you must download the latest Steam Linux client (found here) or upgrade your existing Steam for Linux client to the latest version.
In addition, we will now track Steam for Linux client bugs using GitHub. This provides a better interface for tracking bugs than the forums used in the closed beta. The Steam for Linux repository (currently empty) is public, allowing anyone with a free GitHub account to create a new issue and edit or track it and search the existing bug database. The repository contains a readme file ( detailing how to create a new issue (it describes the same format used in the closed beta).
The team will continue working through existing issues in the forum but it is strongly recommended that any new issues be entered using GitHub's issue tracking interface. The sub forums will remain open so that people can join/continue existing discussions about the Steam for Linux client.
And last but not least, we now have a steam installer package repository. There is a mailing list for announcing updates to the steam installer package. To subscribe, use the public mailman page located here:

Installing on non-Ubuntu distros

Steps to install Steam on non-Ubuntu distribution as a regular user.
  • Download steam_latest.deb file.
  • Extract steam_latest.deb's content (you need to have dpkg-deb program)
    dpkg-deb -xv steam_latest.deb /tmp/steam
  • Extract install launcher into directory where you want Steam to be installed. This is where Steam and all of it's data files will be. Make sure you have enough space for all future games. Here I'm using "Steam" in HOME directory:
    tar xJf /tmp/steam/usr/lib/steam/bootstraplinux_ubuntu12_32.tar.xz -C ~/Steam
  • Launch Steam let it update then sign up and download TF2!
  • Enjoy!


The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. WineHQ is not responsible for what they say.

Error in Troubleshooting Instructions
by Corollax on Friday August 7th 2015, 13:56
The instructions suggest disabling the DLL gameoverlayrender. This is incorrect and should read as gameoverlayrenderer. I was unable to get the game to consistently play until correcting this.

Hopefully, you can revise the instructions to include this, but I can't edit it with normal user permissions.