
Perfect World

Perfect World International is a fantasy MMORPG set in the land of Perfect World, where the inhabitants must unite to battle against the Wraith. Enjoy numerous daily and weekly events and a pretty awesome character customization.

This is the International version of Perfect World. Most region specific version of Perfect World has IP blocks implemented. Managed and developed by the original Perfect World company, Perfect World Entertainment.

Current Expansion: PWI Wings of Rebirth

Application Details:

Version: International
License: Free to use
Votes: 31
Latest Rating: Bronze
Latest Wine Version Tested: 1.7.22

Maintainers: About Maintainership

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Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works

Most things, with effort.

What does not

Installation (Client version 3 - Aug2008): Fails at 99% with an obscure error about being unable to create a folder. Had to install to a Windows VM then copy over the folder.

Game (Version 18 - Oct 14 2008):

-Graphics corrupt (random polygons) when changing window size, or game graphics options, forcing a quit. Don't change settings and you'll be fine.

-Some 2d graphics are corrupt, making the game map unusable. Can be fixed by disabling S3TC detection in Wine source (dlls/wined3d/directx.c):

// TRACE_(d3d_caps)("[OK]\n");
// return TRUE;
return FALSE;

-Missing cursor: Wine needs animated cursor patch.

-Most inventory icons are replaced with a texture of a question mark. It makes managing inventory difficult.

-Sound doesn't seem to work unless it gets it's own hardware device. (My config set to use ALSA).

-You'll need to use Alt+Mouse1 to manage inventory. Make sure that combo is not bound in your Window Manager. Disabling "Allow window manager to control the window" in winecfg is not recommended as it produces other quirks.




What was not tested

-Territory Wars.
-Classes other than Wizard

Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

Using patched Wine 1.0 with "animated cursors" and modified to disable reporting S3TC. Wine 1.1.5 doesn't fix the mentioned issues, and introduces the gray character bug.

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
ShowDebian GNU/kFreeBSD 7.x "Wheezy"Jul 11 20141.7.22No, but has workaround Yes NoBronzean anonymous user 
ShowUbuntu 13.10 "Saucy" amd64 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Apr 15 20141.7.16Yes Yes NoBronzeBart Bartolome 
ShowDebian GNU/kFreeBSD 7.x "Wheezy"Aug 22 20131.7.0Yes Yes NoSilverAnon ymous 
ShowDebian GNU/kFreeBSD 7.x "Wheezy"Aug 19 20131.7.0No, but has workaround Yes NoGoldAnon ymous 
ShowUbuntu 9.10 "Karmic" amd64 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Aug 14 20131.6-rc2No Not installable NoGarbageKen 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected

Show all bugs

HowTo / Notes

HOWTO work around minimizing maximizing

Since the last wine version tested with this program was 1.3.23, I would suggest you get this version, and see if that fixes any of your problems.

If you use a newer version, or one that's not listed in the Tests section, post it as a test, not a question, as most of us are not using the version you are.

Personally, I am on Debian 2.6.32-5-amd64, using wine version 1.1.42. I use Gnome as my manager (mentioned that because some other window managers do not work well for me) I have a NVidia 7300 GT with 512 memory.

I have had not much luck with running the 1.2.x or 1.3.x versions. I have not had to install any DirectX stuff. Just the basics, from the notes.

As of July 16th and before I have never needed Directx9 installed to play perfectworld. This could just be my setup. The game runs so smoothly I don't see a need for directx9

Most of you have noticed that minimizing and maximizing the Perfect World game client really is not any option because it mashes the icons inside the game to one side or the other.

A really simple solution...

Open your wine configuration, click on the graphics tab, add a check mark in "Emulate a Virtual Desktop" set the resolution that you want. My linux desktop is set at 1280 x 1024 res. I set my Virtual Desktop to 1280 x 975.

This was really the final bug that I have seen for the game everything is super smooth running.

I have tested this simple solution on basically all wine versions.

I did not have to install direct x 9. Although you do need to install specific fonts that are stated in an earlier post for the text to show up correctly. The chinese packs are needed no matter what because the game will be wicked slow if you dont have them.

I am using a distro that is built upon ubuntu jaunty called Linux Mint 7. I have tried this on the 32 bit and 64 bit versions of Mint 7. Really this should work for everyone its a simple solution that was there the entire time :)



*Note: If installing on Gentoo, please use this statement before running wine install.exe.  Use  'export LC_CTYPE=en_US.utf8'

Wine configuration:

Windows -> "Windows XP"
Allow Pixel Shader "enable"
Audio only ALSA

Regedit configuration:

Add "Direct3D" key to HKEY_CURRENT_USR -> Software -> Wine
Add the following String Values to the Direct3D key:

DirectDrawRenderer                          "opengl"
OffscreenRenderingMode                   "fbo"
RenderTargetLockMode                     "auto"
UseGLSL                                             "disabled"
VideoMemorySize                               "512"            < Edit this line to indicate the size of your video memory

Or download a .reg file that can be imported into your configuration, pwi.reg . You will still need to edit the file before importing, to modify your video memory size.

Winetricks is a script created by Dan Kegel, to download and install various Windows packages.  Some you might need to install Perfect World. Like the chinese language fonts
You can get it from the link below.   Just right click and save it in your .wine directory.


After that:
Run winetricks with:

sh ~/.wine/winetricks


You will have to install VCRUN6 via Winetricks. (date added: 4/7/2011)


If your game is slow, you may need to disable the option "Soften" within Perfect World Setup

modified 12/15/2010

Updating (4/6/2011)

After Updating the game, Verify, the files.  Updating may take 15 minutes, but further problems may be avioded if you Verify the installation afterwards.

Utility Scripts

I've made a couple of scripts to find or kill wine applications, instead of rebooting the computer by force. (which I used to do, before using these scripts. Each of these scripts should be run in a terminal window, which you should be able to get to. On Ubuntu (my system), you can find a terminal by going thru Applications-->Accessories-->Terminal. You can also run by using Alt-F2, or by logging in to another instance, by using CTRL-ALT-Fx (where x is 1-9).

Just copy these scripts to your home directory. Doesn't matter where you keep them, just be sure they are on an executable path. You will also, have to make them executable by doing this after you download them. [chmod +x (name of file)] (do not type [ or < or >).

findwine. This script will list all occurance of C: and the program wine. (added 01/03/2011)

killwine. This script will kill all occurances of C: and the program wine. (added 01/03/2011)

If you have mutltiple wine programs running, the killwine will kill it.


Comments Disabled

Comments for this application have been disabled because there are no maintainers.