
NuSphere PHPEd

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This build includes updates to the dbglistener.exe to make it more compatible with Wine.

Application Details:

Version: 5.2.0 (Build 5218)
License: Retail
Votes: 0
Latest Rating: Silver
Latest Wine Version Tested: 0.9.49.

Maintainers: About Maintainership

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Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works

Ditto Mac review

What does not

Ditto Mac review


What was not tested

Ditto Mac review

Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

I'm the Linux part of this Mac/Linux duo. Jesse and I have been working together with the NuSphere support team on this to bring the functionality together. I would like to confirm everything stated in the previous review of this product as my findings on Ubuntu Gutsy are identical. This application will easily rate Gold when the Wine bug is repaired and OLE issue resolved for the help system.

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
CurrentUbuntu 7.10 "Gutsy" i386 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Dec 02 20070.9.49.Yes Yes NoSilveran anonymous user 
ShowMac OS X 10.4 "Tiger"Nov 26 20070.9.49.Yes Yes NoSilveran anonymous user 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected

Show all bugs

HowTo / Notes

Installing and running PhpEd on Mac OS X 10.4.11

Steps taken to get PHPEd initially running on Mac:

jessebacon at gmail dot com


Development environment:

Mac Requirements

  • Xcode tools from OS X installation disk

  • X11 from OS X installation disk.

    • Make sure to run Mac "Software Updates" after you install this.

Additional Requirements

  • You need to have the latest build of Nusphere PHPEd (5218 as of this writing)

Setting up WINE

  • Download MacPorts 1.5 (this is essentially a package management application)

  • Run the .pkg to install MacPorts

  • After MacPorts is installed you need to update it (in terminal):

    • sudo port -d selfupdate

  • After MacPorts has bee updated you can install WINE (in terminal):

    • sudo port install wine

    • This step take a fair amount of time because you are downloading the source and building it.

    • Everything is stored under the /opt/local directory

    • the WINE program can be found under /opt/local/bin after everything is installed

  • Brief primer on WINE:

    • creates ".wine" under your home directory where everything resides. In there you'll find;

      • reg files where Registry information is retained

      • "drive_c" folder where the main Windows "C:" drive is mimicked

Using WINE

  • To use wine, you must do it from inside an X11 terminal

    • Start X11 which is under /Applications/Utilities

  • Basic syntax:

    • path/to/wine /path/to/windows/executable inside an X11 terminal

    • you can easily configure wine by typing in an X11 terminal:

      • cd /opt/local/bin

      • ./winecfg
  • Before installing anything I suggest making sure there are additional fonts in the "~/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts" directory (otherwise some fonts are garbled and unreadable)

    • Wine doesn't create the ".wine" folder until you run it. So if you want to install additional fonts you need to run wine first so that the directory "c:\windows\fonts" will be there.
      • I just ran "/opt/local/bin/winecfg" first so that it would create the necessary directories
    • provides a good tutorial on installing additional fonts. I started with step 4 (the first three steps should not be necessary because macports has already installed some necessary dependencies - like fontforge).

Installing PHPEd

  • Open an X11 terminal

    • /Applications/Utilities/

  • In the terminal navigate to where WINE program isw

    • cd /opt/local/bin

    • Technically, you can add this to your path

      • export PATH=$PATH:/opt/local/bin

  • Run the installer using wine

    • ./wine /path/to/phped/installer

    • I ONLY chose to install:

      • The main program files and

      • The embedded mozilla browser

      • The "help" does NOT work and will cause PHPEd to crash

  • After the installation is complete you can start phped.exe using wine

    • cd /opt/local/bin

    • ./wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/nusphere/phped/php.exe

  • You can easily add a shortcut for PHPEd in the X11 "Applications" menu
    • With X11 open, click on Applications->Customize Menu from the menu bar.
      • Click "Add" in the window that appears.
      • Give it a menu name and then type "/opt/local/bin/wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/nusphere/phped/phped.exe" in the command section
      • I did this for winecfg as well.

Configuring PHPEd

  • Start by setting the default debugger run mode to "HTTP mode"


      • Under IDE Section

        • Run & Debug - Default Run Mode

  • While under "Run & Debug" check "Use custom port and host"

    • Under "Debugger host" enter "localhost"

    • I left the port the same

  • When starting a new project:

    • Wine creates mapped drive for you to use be default:

      • C: maps to "~/.wine/drive_c"

      • Z: maps to "/"

      • I added an additional drive for my htdocs folder using the wine configuration utility

        • /opt/local/bin/winecfg

        • H: which maps to "/Applications/MAMP/htdocs"

    • The root directory for a new project should be H:< project root >

      • essentially "/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/< project root >"

    • Under "Mapping"

      • Run Mode -> "HTTP mode" //should be default

      • Root URL -> "http://localhost/< project root >"

      • Remote root directory -> Mac path to root

        • "Applications/MAMP/htdocs/< project root >"

  • Make sure that the debugger is installed on you web server

Notes on working with PHPEd under WINE

  • You can undock a tool window but you cannot resize IF you allow the window manager to control the windows

    • This is the default setting in winecfg. You can change it by going to the graphics tab of winecfg and uncheck the option
    • I recommend this as it speeds up screen redraw and tooltips for undocked windows are properly visible.
    • To redock them simply double-click the "windows" title bar (not the X11 titlebar)
  • When the auto-complete code window pops up - its content is offset and not totally viewable

  • Make sure to update libmysql.dll before using DB Client for mysql

Uninstalling MacPorts

In the terminal:

sudo rm -rf \

/opt/local \

/Applications/MacPorts \

/Library/Tcl/macports1.0 \

/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.* \


Please note that this command removes all software installed using MacPorts as well as MacPorts itself. This includes configuration files for any ports which were installed; if you need to keep them, back them up before the rm (they should be in /opt/local/etc).

This command does not remove files installed to locations outside the agreed directory tree. Thus ports that write in other places should be removed manually before removing MacPorts altogether. This includes at least xfig and transfig, but probably other X11 ports as well.

For example:

sudo port uninstall xfig

sudo port uninstall transfig


Comments Disabled

Comments for this application have been disabled because there are no maintainers.