Application Name | Description | version | Downloads |
Diablo | Diablo invites you to enter a world of Dark Gothic Fantasy. | 1.0x | |
Diablo | Diablo invites you to enter a world of Dark Gothic Fantasy. | Diablo Spawn 1.09 | Diablo Spawn (Demo) |
Diablo | Diablo invites you to enter a world of Dark Gothic Fantasy. | Hellfire: 1.01 | |
Diablo | Diablo invites you to enter a world of Dark Gothic Fantasy. | The Hell | |
Gangsters 2 | In Gangsters 2, you play as Joey Bane, a small-time mobster looking to avenge the death of his father and become big-time in the process. You begin in the city of Buffalo Falls, where you must hunt down a few of the men responsible for your father's death and establish a foothold for your operations. You hire gangsters and the muscle to protect them, and you send them out into enemy territory to wreak havoc on your rivals' establishments, kill their henchmen, and take over their operations. | 1.0.4 | |
Gangsters 2 | In Gangsters 2, you play as Joey Bane, a small-time mobster looking to avenge the death of his father and become big-time in the process. You begin in the city of Buffalo Falls, where you must hunt down a few of the men responsible for your father's death and establish a foothold for your operations. You hire gangsters and the muscle to protect them, and you send them out into enemy territory to wreak havoc on your rivals' establishments, kill their henchmen, and take over their operations. | 1.00 | |
Gangsters 2 | In Gangsters 2, you play as Joey Bane, a small-time mobster looking to avenge the death of his father and become big-time in the process. You begin in the city of Buffalo Falls, where you must hunt down a few of the men responsible for your father's death and establish a foothold for your operations. You hire gangsters and the muscle to protect them, and you send them out into enemy territory to wreak havoc on your rivals' establishments, kill their henchmen, and take over their operations. | Demo (German) | Download page (JavaScript must be enabled) - The size is 161 MB |
Outlaws | Outlaws is a classic spaghetti-western game with OK graphics and suberb cutscenes and a great moody soundtrack.
All versions | |
Worms Armageddon | Small pink worms with an insane weapon arsenal battle it out on various 2D landscapes. Turn-based strategy game.
1.0- | |
Worms Armageddon | Small pink worms with an insane weapon arsenal battle it out on various 2D landscapes. Turn-based strategy game.
Demo | Demo Demo |
Worms World Party | Small pink worms battle it out with an insane weapon arsenal. | 1.x | |
Worms World Party | Small pink worms battle it out with an insane weapon arsenal. | Demo | Demo |
Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden Lands | The world of Zork Nemesis is dark, serious, and full of mature content (e.g. depiction of torture and human sacrifice) that is definitely not suitable for children. The truly fascinating story makes Nemesis a great game in its own right, and well worth a look by every adventure fan. Zork: Nemesis employed technology Activision dubbed "Z-Vision Surround Technology." This gave users a simulated 360-degree view of each location visited. Zork: Nemesis, like many good adventure games of its time, made excellent use of live actors. | 1.0 | |
Zork: Grand Inquisitor | Zork Grand Inquisitor is an adventure game in the tradition of the earlier, text-only Zork games: addictive, challenging, and dryly funny. A gorgeous first-person perspective delivers a great game experience. Grand Inquisitor continues to use famous Zork Nemesis pseudo 3D engine, able to rotate player's view in each screen. | 1.0 |