Application Name | Description | version | Downloads |
Internet Explorer | Internet Explorer is the set of core Web browsing technologies in Windows. Native alternatives for non-windows platforms |
7.0 (32-bit) | Internet Explorer 7 (full) |
Internet Explorer | Internet Explorer is the set of core Web browsing technologies in Windows. Native alternatives for non-windows platforms |
8.0 for NT 5.1 (32-bit) | English Download French Download |
Internet Explorer | Internet Explorer is the set of core Web browsing technologies in Windows. Native alternatives for non-windows platforms |
8.0 for NT 5.2 (64-bit) | English download |
SlingPlayer | The SlingPlayer software works hand-in-hand with the hardware in the Slingbox to allow you to watch and control your TV on your computer. SlingRemote in SlingPlayer gives you full control over virtually any A/V device, from changing channels and viewing recorded content to fast-forwarding or setting up a season pass. So while your TV and Slingbox sit at home, you can be out and about with SlingPlayer. NOTE: Slingplayer has a native Mac OS X version available.
1.5 | EU 1.5 US 1.5.1 EU 1.5 UK US |