
Applications Affected by Bug #4342

Application Name Description version Downloads
BibleWorks A Bible research package. 6.0
ДубльГИС (2gis) ДубльГИС is a free GIS system for cities of CIS and especially Russia. 3.0.* Для всех городов
Google Chrome

Google's open source browser.

Note: Google Chrome has native Mac and Linux versions. Test results are accepted to help improve Wine and to help improve other apps that use Chromium (such as Electron apps).

001 to 009 Chrome
notepad A text editor shipped with all versions of MS Windows. all
Sumatra PDF Sumatra PDF is a free, lightweight, and open-source PDF viewer for Windows. It is self-contained, with no external dependencies, and is very portable (less than 1MB in size). 1.x SumatraPDF 1.6
Visual FoxPro

OOP, XML, C/S, ODBC, WinApps, n-tier, Data, COM, Rushmore, does it all. An OOP XBase descendent, very powerful for fat client, middle tier, and web applications. Visual FoxPro has a very powerful native cursor engine and great text processing capability. With FoxPro, there are perhaps too many ways to accomplish the task at hand, but it is a very flexible tool for building high quality Windows applications.