
Applications Affected by Bug #44278

Application Name Description version Downloads

Tax software for Germany sold by the German grocery discount chain Aldi which often includes documentation and an electronic guide (Lotse) to make your tax declaration faster and easier. 

It is being sold in a boxed DVD set which includes a registration key (serial number) which needs to be entered during installation. For those of you who do not have a DVD-drive it is possible to visit to get the complete application package and updates. From there you can also sign up for webinars teaching you the details to fill out a German tax declaration (which is a science in itself).

2017 Download and Updates

Tax program for making the german tax return. It can be installed and used for free. For the transmission of data to the tax office by ELSTER or for printing the completed forms the program must be released for about 25 €. The program is only available in German language.

Steuerprogramm zur Erstellung der deutschen Steuererklärung. Es kann kostenlos installiert und benutzt werden. Für die Übermittlung der Daten ans Finanzamt per ELSTER bzw. für das Ausdrucken der ausgefüllten Formulare muss das Programm für ca. 25 € freigeschaltet werden.

2018 Download Test-Version (Redirector)